urllib.urlopen("file://...") fails

Seth Delackner seth at jtan.com
Thu Apr 25 11:27:55 EDT 2002

Fernando PĂ©rez <fperez528 at yahoo.com> writes:

> Seth Delackner wrote:
>>>>> u = urllib.urlopen("file:///t:/tmp/package.html")
>                                 ^
> One / too many? You're directing it to \t:\.... which it obviously
> can't find.
> I don't run windows so I can't test so I may be wrong. It just looks
> like that is your problem.

You would think, right?  But I just tried 'file://t:/tmp/package.html'
and that bombed:

>>> urllib.urlopen('file://t:/tmp/package.html')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<pyshell#114>", line 1, in ?
      File "d:\python\lib\urllib.py", line 73, in urlopen
        return _urlopener.open(url)
      File "d:\python\lib\urllib.py", line 178, in open
        return getattr(self, name)(url)
      File "d:\python\lib\urllib.py", line 403, in open_file
        return self.open_ftp(url)
      File "d:\python\lib\urllib.py", line 447, in open_ftp
        host = socket.gethostbyname(host)
      IOError: [Errno socket error] (7, 'getaddrinfo failed')

The only thing that actually works for me is:
>>> urllib.urlopen('file:t:/tmp/package.html')

Which is not even a valid url!

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