Python for .NET vs. Jython

Jonathan P. jbperez808 at
Tue Apr 16 02:15:31 EDT 2002

Jython is undeniably a very successful implementation of a language on
the JVM.

Considering Python for .NET is still very far from the level of
maturity that Jython enjoys and the fact that the CLR is supposed to
be designed from the ground up to support multiple languages (MS even
commissioned and asked feedback from Mark Hammond and the others
working with him on Python for .NET regarding the CLR), could it be
the CLR is (ironically) less of a fit for Python than the JVM?

If you read Jim Hugunin's original paper on JPython, it seems that
from the beginning, Python on the JVM was a good idea and that,
despite Sun's not designing the JVM for different languages, it
actually turned out to be a really good fit for our favorite language
after all.

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