[Python-Dev] ACCEPTED: PEP 285

Delaney, Timothy tdelaney at avaya.com
Wed Apr 3 18:48:25 EST 2002

> From: Neal Norwitz [mailto:neal at metaslash.com]
> This code:
> 	True = 1
> 	False = 0
> 	def test(a):
> 	    if a is True: print 'True'
> 	    if a == False: print 'False'
> generates these warnings:
> 	test.py:2: Should not assign to True, it is (or will 
> be) a builtin
> 	test.py:3: Should not assign to False, it is (or will 
> be) a builtin
> 	test.py:6: Comparisions with True are not necessary
> 	test.py:7: Comparisions with False are not necessary

I would change that to ...

# only generated in Python 2.3 or higher

test.py:2: Should not assign to True, it is a builtin
test.py:3: Should not assign to False, it is a builtin

# only generated in Python 2.3 or higher,
# or if there are constants in scope with the names
# 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'True', 'False', 'true', 'false'
# and the appropriate name should be included in the
# warning.

test.py:6: Comparisons with [TRUE|True|true] may give incorrect results
                   ^ extra i ;)
test.py:7: Comparisons with [FALSE|False|false] may give incorrect results
                   ^ extra i ;)

and would also add a warning for code in 2.3+ for code like

TRUE = <something>
FALSE = <something>
true = <something>
false = <something>

test.py:2: TRUE appears to be a boolean constant - builtin True should be
test.py:3: FALSE appears to be a boolean constant - builtin False should be
test.py:4: true appears to be a boolean constant - builtin True should be
test.py:5: false appears to be a boolean constant - builtin False should be

Tim Delaney

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