looping throuhg a list 2 items at a time

Rajarshi Guha rxg218 at psu.edu
Wed Apr 10 18:42:34 EDT 2002

  I have a list like this:  l = [1,'s', 2,'t', 3,'d']

I'd like to loop through the list but within the loop I want 
the current element and the element just after it:
I tried this

liter = iter(l)
for i in l:
  print i, liter.next()

But I get:

1 1
s s
2 2
t t
3 3
d d

whereas I want

1 s
2 t
3 d

I can see I'm wrong - any ideas on how to fix it?


Rajarshi Guha
rajarshi at presidency.com

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