Yeah whatever... (was RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type)

Ken Seehof kseehof at
Mon Apr 8 16:06:48 EDT 2002

Jacob Hallén wrote:
> In article <mailman.1018124969.17602.python-list at>,
> Ken Seehof <kseehof at> wrote:
> >> If we ignore the imaginary, which has a very specialized
> scope, we have 5
> >> base types. These can interact in approximately 5! (120)
> >> different ways in a
> >> statement. If we add one more base type we get 6! (720) different ways
> >> that our types can interact.
> >
> >In python the number of numeric interactions is essentially 3!, not 6!.
> >Most of these interactions are trivial and predictable, and are not
> >increased
> >by bool.  My brain hurts trying to figure out how to enumerate
> the 6! that
> >you suggest :-)  Perhaps in other languages your argument has merit.
> >
> >One thing that I agree with is that one would not be likely to
> add a bool to
> >a complex number.  :-)
> The difficulty does not come from the legitimate combinations. It
> comes from
> the erroneous ones. Understanding what a correct program does is trivial,
> compared to understanding why an incorrect one does not work.
> The possible number of ways of combining X types is the factorial of X.

It seems like were playing number games to me.  This factorial stuff is
mathematically correct, but rediculously abstract and meaningless.  To
have a complete understanding of booleans I simply do not have to learn
the difference between:

  foo_dict[foo_list[2.0+(x==5)+2L]] and

And then learn the diffence between:

  foo_dict[foo_list[2+2.0+(x==5)+2L]] and

And then ....

Can you list the rest of the 5*5! new real world interactions that result
from adding bool to python?

Sorry, I just don't get why this is relevant.  Let's try to keep this
discussion in the real world, ok?

There are two concepts that I need in order to understand booleans as
added in PEP 285:

0. My understand of the interaction between numbers in python extends
to include all interactions with boolean.

1. The values of True and False behave like 1 and 0 respectively.

That's two (count em), not 5*5! new things to learn.

> Each wrong combination requires the understanding of the error message and
> the reason why it is wrong. A seasoned programmer can classify the errors
> and handle a fair number of these classes. Newbies have a seriously
> difficult time. I would even go as far as to say that it is the most
> important factor controlling how much time a novice programmer needs
> in order to be comfortable with the language.

I have no idea what you are talking about.  There are no new kinds of
False works wherever 0 works and True works wherever 1 works.  This is even
true of interactions with lists and dictionaries.

I didn't even need to read to PEP to be fairly certain that my two
assertions are correct (though I read it anyway just to be sure).  The
only explanation for any other behaviour would have been that Guido bumped
his head a little too hard before implementing the PEP :-)

You keep talking about error messages.  Read the PEP, then give me one
example of an error message caused by using bool instead of int.  See?
There isn't one.

Hmm... perhaps you have a point... let's see...

>>> x = 1
>>> x[5]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsubscriptable object

Ok, so now we add booleans and get an <sarcasm> entirely brand new
</sarcasm> error condition to learn:

>>> x = True
>>> x[5]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsubscriptable object

Can we get back to the real world now?

- Ken Seehof

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