class callable with any method name

Bengt Richter bokr at
Tue Apr 9 21:39:31 EDT 2002

On 9 Apr 2002 13:56:09 -0700, mathieu543 at (Imer) wrote:

>Hi, I'm trying to find a way to implement a class that would allow any
>method name to be called.
>When that happens, a special method would be called and the name of
>the method that was originally called would be passed as an argument.
>For instance:
>class A:
>  def __method_called__ (self, method_name, method_argument):
>    print "The method", method_name, "was called with the argument",
>Then the following code:
>Would print out:
>The method this_is_a_random_method was called with the argument
>The method yet_another_random_method was called with the argument
>Is there a way to do that ?

No guarantees, but try this:

 >>> class A:
 ...     def __getattr__(self, attname):
 ...         if attname.startswith('__'): return self.__class__.__getattr__(attname)
 ...         self._attname = attname
 ...         return self._special
 ...     def _special(self, *args, **kwds):
 ...         print 'The method "%s" was called with the arguments\n%s, %s' % (
 ...             self._attname, args, kwds
 ...         )
 >>> a=A()
 >>> a.this_is_a_random_method(arg=1)
 The method "this_is_a_random_method" was called with the arguments
 (), {'arg': 1}
 >>> a.yet_another_random_method(param=3)
 The method "yet_another_random_method" was called with the arguments
 (), {'param': 3}
 >>> a.x()
 The method "x" was called with the arguments
 (), {}
 >>> a.y
 <bound method A._special of <__main__.A instance at 0x007D39E0>>
 >>> a._attname
 >>> a.z
 <bound method A._special of <__main__.A instance at 0x007D39E0>>
 >>> a.z(k=3)
 The method "z" was called with the arguments
 (), {'k': 3}
 >>> a.z(1,2,3)
 The method "z" was called with the arguments
 (1, 2, 3), {}
 >>> a.z(1,2,3, i=4, j=5)
 The method "z" was called with the arguments
 (1, 2, 3), {'i': 4, 'j': 5}

Bengt Richter

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