PEP 285: Adding a bool type

Jeff Shannon jeff at
Tue Apr 2 15:46:58 EST 2002

In article <mailman.1017755045.4308.python-list at>, 
lac at says...

> I am opposed to the addition of the new proposed type on the grounds
> that it will make Python harder to teach both to people who have never
> programmed before and to people who _have_.  

At first glance, I was marginally in favor of this PEP.  After 
reading Alex Martelli's arguments, I was marginally opposed to 
it.  I think that Laura's comments are *very* convincing, and I'm 
now fairly solidly opposed to it.  Well said, Laura.

(FWIW, this was the first time I've seen the Something vs. 
Nothing distinction pointed out explicitly.  I think that this 
explanation of how Python determines truth is exceptionally 
clear, and I think that the tutorial should be modified to 
include this terminology.)


Jeff Shannon
Credit International

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