problem running win32com.client application from commandline

Tino Lange tl_news at
Sun Apr 14 17:07:35 EDT 2002

Hi All!

I just discovered a problem with a win32com.client based application.

If I initialize the object 
acheck = win32com.client.Dispatch(com_name)
from pythonwin it's no problem at all. The application runs and does
everything I want it to do for me :-)

But if I use it from the commandline (either python.exe or
pythonw.exe) then the above initialization of the COM-Object fails. A
MessageBox appears (from the COM-Object, Method
"UserControl_Initialize") telling that there's not enough memory to

Unfortunately I just have the OCX - I cannot look in the COM-Object

Any idea? What's different, when I run the script via PythonWin?
Is there a possibility to run commandline-scripts?

Thanks a lot for your help!


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