Super-newbie syntax error question

Robert Amesz sheershion at
Mon Apr 29 10:23:14 EDT 2002

Charlie Wood wrote:

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>   File "C:\PYTHON22\lib\", line 46
>     f = file("/article.txt", "w")
>     ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

It's probably an indentation error. Alternatively, check the
preceding line carefully. 

To avoid indentation errors
   1 - Use eiter tabs or spaces, and be consistent about it.
   2 - Use the SciTE-editor: it can show indentation levels very

SciTE is also a very nice, albeit somewhat minimalist[*] -
general code editor, and a tiny download at about 350K.
Open source, too. Check .

Robert Amesz
[*] A relative term: the syntax colouring is excellent, and you can 
configure it for code completion, and in most cases you can run a 
Python script 'out of the box'. Double clicking on an error in the 
output window will move the cursor instantly to the offending line, 
even if the file isn't loaded at the time. There's more, but this
should suffise. The configuration dialogs *are* minimal, though: there 
are _none_: you'll have to edit the configuration files yourself.

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