Comment on draft PEP for deprecating six builtins

Raymond Hettinger python at
Mon Apr 29 01:34:58 EDT 2002

Please send me comments on a draft PEP deprecating
and relocating six built-in functions.  The text file is at:

It is also listed below.

Raymond Hettinger


Title: Deprecate Six Built-ins
Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2002/04/28 19:42:56 $
Author: python at (Raymond D. Hettinger)
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 28-Apr-2002
Python-Version: 2.3


    This PEP proposes to compact the list of built-in functions through
    relocation and deprecation.  map(), reduce() and filter() would move to
    separate module for functionals.  pow() and divmod() would move to into
    the math module.  input() would be eliminated altogether.


    There are separate motivations for each function.  One motivation in
    common is that the number of total built-ins should be as small as
    possible to limit the amount of "core language" one needs to know in
    to read code that is not module specific.

    The functionals (map, filter, and reduce) had greater importance prior
    the introduction of list comprehensions which are now the preferred (and
    more readable) approach.  Limits on the number of built-in functions
    prevented the addition of other functionals which may have be useful
    that style of programming is needed.  Creating a separate module allows
    room for a large variety of functionals (e.g. fold, head, tail, take,
    drop, etc.) to be introduced without cluttering the built-in namespace.

    Pow() and divmod() are more related to math module functions than any
    of the built-in functions.  In general, they are rarely used.  Because
    the ** operator is available, the pow() function is rarely called

    Input() is easily replaced by eval(raw_input()).  It has few legitimate
    uses and presents a security risk in most programs where it is used.
    Though the risks are well documented, experience on python-tutor and
    help at indicates that new users frequently use input() when
    raw_input() was intended and that they are unaware of the embedded

Key Issue

    All of these functions have been in-place since the beginning, are used
    in mountains of code, and appear in every Python book.  The situation
    would appear to be immovable.

    I propose that a simple means be provided to re-enable those functions
    will when they are needed to run old code.  Add a command line option -b
    and an equivalent environment variable, PYTHONBUILTINRESTORE which would
    start-up Python by running:

        from functionals import map, filter, reduce
        from math import pow, divmod
        from deprecated import input

Implementation and Deprecation Timetable

    The module additions would go into Python 2.3.  All six functions would
    left intact and raise deprecation warnings in Python 2.3 and 2.4.  The
    functions would be removed in Python 2.5 (having allowed two versions
    a full year for code updates).  The -b command line option and related
    environment variable would go into Python 2.3 and remain available
    in perpetuity.  Like "from __future__" this mechanism can be used for
    other deprecations, allowing the language to evolve without accumulating


    This document has been placed in the public domain.

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