[ANN] ftputil 1.1

Stefan Schwarzer s.schwarzer at ndh.net
Sun Apr 7 15:42:49 EDT 2002

ftputil 1.1 is released. You can find it at
http://www.ndh.net/home/sschwarzer/python/python_software.html .

ftputil provides a higher-level interface for FTP sessions than the
ftplib module. FTP servers can be accessed via an interface similar to
os and os.path. Remote files are accessible as file-like objects.

New since version 1.0:

- ftputil now runs under Python 2.1+ (not only 2.2+).
- documentation
- conditional upload/download (depending on local and remote file
- FTPHost.stat follows links
- a session factory other than the default, ftplib.FTP, can be given
  in the FTPHost constructor; this allows to use classes derived from
  ftplib.FTP (like ftpslib.FTP_TLS from the M2Crypto package)
- several bugfixes (mostly regarding byte count in text mode
- unit test


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