Keyboard interrupts in Windows Python

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Fri Apr 19 21:56:25 EDT 2002

Andrew Gregory wrote:
> I am using Python to control experiments from the interactive Window
> of Pythonwin (via some simple library routines in C to write data to
> interface chips). Sometimes I wish to interrupt an experiment before
> it has finished, ideally by using Control C to raise an exception. But
> Control C has no effect.
> How can I overcome this problem? Is there another control key which I
> should be using?
> It would be equally acceptable to raise an exception by clicking on a
> button - but I am hoping to avoid Windows programming and work
> interactively for the moment.
> To give an example, if I typed time.sleep(1000) how would I terminate
> this command under Windows?
> Andrew Gregory, National Physical Lab., UK.

There are 2 relevant bugs:


I hope to look at them soon, although I did play with 
SetConsoleCtrlHandler() etc a few years ago and struggled :(


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