Win32 Open Source or free .NET integration?

Michael Kelly mkelly2002 at
Tue Apr 16 15:50:51 EDT 2002

On 15 Apr 2002 22:52:59 -0400, David Bolen <db3l at> wrote:

>That actually seems reasonably unlikely at this point.  The "Visual
>Python" project at ActiveState is to tie into Visual Studio for .NET
>(e.g., the IDE) and not tying Python itself into the CLR (Common
>Language Runtime) of .NET.

That's a bummer.  Reading the stuff on their site
"full integration" leads one to believe if you plug
Visual Python in it's plugged in just as good as
C# and that's obviously not the case.  The CLR
part is what I'm interested in.  Right now I play
around with COM stuff on Windows to mix and
match components from various languages
and if this CLR in a sandbox became cross
platform and esp. if it was free it could be
really cool.

>From what I've seen you're freed up from
all those COM low-level headaches for
the most part.



"Only choice is an oxymoron."


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