Beginner's performance problem

Mark Charsley mark.charsley at
Mon Apr 15 06:30:00 EDT 2002

In article <mailman.1018596868.16860.python-list at>, 
shalehperry at (Sean 'Shaleh' Perry) wrote:

> test and triple test your \bfoo\b regex's.  They sometimes mean things 
> you did
> not realize.  For instance re.compile(r'\bengine') would match 
> 'regex-engine'.

Ooh. Good point. Fortunately, as the stuff being changed in SQL, the names 
only contain alphanumerics and underscores. Even so, the changes are 
tested by
- checking that the files are the same size after the changes
- being recognized as valid SQL when rebuilding the database
- running all the automated unit tests against the new database


Mark - personal opinion only, could well be wrong, not representing 
company, don't sue us etc. etc.

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