Is there a __start__ method?

Christopher Myers chris.myers at
Fri Apr 26 08:58:42 EDT 2002

Jeff Epler wrote:
> What good will it do you for your GUI to appear on the screen if it's
> frozen anyway until this process of "accessing 3 separate URLs"
> completes?

Good point, but the answer is, the first time I tried to run the
"atLaunch" method I created, I didn't know what was going on while I
waited for the gui to post.  Maybe I could make a splash screen with a
status bar, hourglass, or watch face or something . . .

The other ideas below seem liek too much consdering the simplicity of my
app, but thanx for the quick response.

> You can use the .after_idle() method in tk to schedule something to
> happen when the gui becomes "idle".  From the tk documentation:
>     after idle script ?script script ...?
>         Concatenates the script arguments together with space separators
>         (just as in the concat command), and arranges for the resulting
>         script to be evaluated later as an idle callback. The script will
>         be run exactly once, the next time the event loop is entered
>         and there are no events to process.  The command returns an
>         identifier that can be used to cancel the delayed command using
>         after cancel. If an error occurs while executing the script then
>         the bgerror mechanism is used to report the error.
> however, while the "script" executes, the GUI will block.
> You could arrange a system using Tcl file handlers, but last I knew
> _tkinter.createfilehandler did not exist on Windows. (The underlying Tcl
> API is marked "unix only" in the Tcl documentation)
> Lastly, you could use a thread for this processing.  However, as another
> thread recently said, only the main thread can access Tk stuff....
> Jeff

Christopher Myers, Graduate Software Developer 
Ingenta, Inc.
12 Bassett St.
Providence, RI  02903
ph:  401.331.2014 x 102
em:  chris.myers at
aim: chrismyers001

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