Newbie problem: global variables

Geoff Gerrietts geoff at
Tue Apr 16 16:42:52 EDT 2002

Quoting Mirko Opitz (opm at
> Hi,
> I've a small problem I need a variable which is present in all subfunctions
> an also in the main prog but I don't want do give it in the header of all
> the functions. Is there anyway to declaire it as Public or global like in
> other languages?

def funcy(arg):
  global my_global
  my_global = arg

def not_so_funcy():
  global my_global
  print my_global


Do what you want?


Geoff Gerrietts <geoff at gerrietts dot net>
   "If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?" --Abraham Lincoln

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