DCOracle2 importing problems

Hugh h.e.w.frater at cs.cf.ac.uk
Sat Apr 20 00:28:47 EDT 2002

OK, so the way I am reading this is as follows:

Beacause the script is being run as a 'nobody' user, who doesn't have
a .cshrc.mine file which I've got to set all my paths so all my
modules work when run in my home directory - the user can't find the
paths to the modules.

So I need to set the environment variable so that DCOracle2 can find
the oracle compiled whatever language modules. These reside in
/u04/app/oracle/product/OraHome1/lib on our systems here at UNI.

So I need to add this to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH. But I need to do this in
the start of my CGI script. But what should I use to set this:

import sys
sys.path.append(PATH TO LIBS)

import os

I need an answer quite soon so please help.
Thanks in advance,

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