distrex at
Mon Apr 8 21:24:12 EDT 2002
Fernando PĂ©rez <fperez528 at> wrote in message news:<a8r62k$20b$1 at>...
> distrex wrote:
> > Don't take this the wrong way but I am a newbie and didn't understand
> > 86% of what you just said. All I got was modules are classes functions
> > and variables. and a few other things but that was to complicated for
> > me (the newbie)
> >
> Don't despair. The above was one of the best descriptions of modules I've ever
> read (but I'm not a newbie), to the point where I'd strongly encourage its
> author to contact the doc team and push for its inclusion in the official
> docs.
> Just have a bit of patience, read it over again, slowly, go through the whole
> tutorial doing the examples and it will make sense. You may be a bit green
> still but it will come quickly, I'm sure. Python is one of the easiest
> languages on earth to learn: you'll be up and running in no time at all, and
> having fun programming!
> Cheers,
> f.
I've had fun with python I just want to see if Ican make it more fun
with the modules so I'll just keep looking for a good explaination of
ALL the modules.
thanx for all your help
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