DCOracle2 importing problems

DeepBleu DeepBleu at DeepBleu.org
Mon Apr 22 10:56:58 EDT 2002

"Hugh" <h.e.w.frater at cs.cf.ac.uk> wrote in message
news:e2e9e807.0204192028.76e43129 at posting.google.com...
> OK, so the way I am reading this is as follows:
> Beacause the script is being run as a 'nobody' user, who doesn't have
> a .cshrc.mine file which I've got to set all my paths so all my
> modules work when run in my home directory - the user can't find the
> paths to the modules.
> So I need to set the environment variable so that DCOracle2 can find
> the oracle compiled whatever language modules.

dco2.so will look for libclntsh.so.  It needs to find this file.  This is in
your oracle directory.  In turn the oracle directory should be configured
such that you have ORACLE_HOME set up correctly.

>These reside in
> /u04/app/oracle/product/OraHome1/lib on our systems here at UNI.
> So I need to add this to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH. But I need to do this in
> the start of my CGI script. But what should I use to set this:
This part is better set up in the profile used.

> import sys
> sys.path.append(PATH TO LIBS)
> or:
Check the post I sent on the above and how to use it with append or insert.
 This should have the path to the DCO2 directory.

> import os
> os.environ[LD_LIBRARY_PATH] = 'PATH TO LIBS'
NO!  Do not do that!  Set this up in the profile.
And PLEASE send the ORGINAL ERROR message you encountered before moving
anything into CGI directory.
If you expect help, please help us help you.

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