Tix Vs Pmw which is better to use?

Jacob Hallen jacob at boris.cd.chalmers.se.cd.chalmers.se
Tue Apr 30 16:48:42 EDT 2002

In article <3CCE6C0D.FA96F79A at millfilm.co.uk>,
Eric Texier  <erict at millfilm.co.uk> wrote:
>My application needs a very dynamic widget package, It needs to add and
>remove  widget constently.
>I am looking also for something that will let me create more organic
>widget like tree but on a free canvas.
>- Do I have to be aware of some major difference before I should choose
>one or the other?
>- Is there an other package to be considered ?

I have used Pmw for quite a while, and while it is a very nice and very well
coded package, it was not written with inheritance in mind. For this reason,
if what you want to do (as it turned out it was what I wanted to do) is to
do something slightly different, it is easier to write your own widget from 

I had a brief look at Tix but was not all that impressed.

For a nice tree widget to work with and expand, use the one that is a part of 
Idle. It is simple and fairly cleanly implemented.

Jacob Hallén


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