
Cliff Wells logiplexsoftware at
Thu Apr 25 14:56:31 EDT 2002

On 25 Apr 2002 10:34:33 -0700
Terje Johan Abrahamsen wrote:

> I am trying to write some Python code that moves info from Excel into
> AS/400 throuhgt a display program called Rumba. (
> Basically what I want it to do (short version) is that I go to a cell
> in Excel, copy that cell, changes to the Rumba window, goes to
> coordinate x,x pastes the number there. Then goes back to Excel, gets
> a new number, goes to Rumba, changes screens by typing F12, enters
> info from Excel again in coordinate x,x. It is more to it than this,
> but if I can figure out this, I can figure out the rest.

Not familiar with AS/400, but in general, this sort of thing is very fragile. 
Unexpected user-interaction can cause the focus to get set to the wrong window,
coordinate, put one of the programs in an unexpected state, etc, with possibly
unhappy results.  Is it not possible to extract the data from Excel via
win32com, write it to a portable file and then import it on the AS/400 (perhaps
transfering the file via ftp)?

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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