Problem Writing Files

Mark Nenadov mark at
Wed Apr 17 08:37:33 EDT 2002

Roger Jones wrote:

> I am using ActiveState Python 2.1 under Windows NT  and after opening a
> file with:
> afile=('test.dat','w')
> afile.write('some random test text')
> It fills the file with many x's and 0's and also with various other
> text.
> How can this action be fixed so that it writes the text properly?
> Thanks!
> -Roger Jones

You are missing something in your first line. Instead of doing 
"afile=('test.dat', 'w')" you should do "afile=open('test.dat', 'w')".

The problem is that you are creating a tuple (with the elements 'test.dat' 
and 'w') instead of an actual file object.

-- Mark Nenadov (

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