Python's Lisp heritage

Paul Foley see at below
Sat Apr 27 08:36:09 EDT 2002

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 22:26:30 -0700, James J Besemer wrote:

> Paul Foley wrote:

>> No I don't have to admit that...I don't even have to admit that there
>> are any parentheses in Lisp :-)

> What color is the sky in your world?  ;o)

> Seriously, I agree, the underlying abstraction -- the semantics -- does not require
> parentheses.  But that's not really the language, per se.

I think you're missing the point: Lisp is not defined in terms of
text; instead, it's the objects that result from calling READ on that
text.  There are no parentheses in that result; there are only lists,
symbols, strings, integers, etc., etc.  That's why you can define
things like the infix syntax reader Jacek Generowicz mentioned.

READ can call arbitrary user-defined functions to parse the textual
representation into internal objects, so it can read any surface
syntax you want.

>> In any case, parentheses are not used around sub-expressions, or to
>> separate or group statements.  They're only used (in evaluated
>> contexts) for "function" calls, and most other languages, including
>> Python, use parentheses for that purpose, too:
>> Python: foo(x)
>> Lisp: (foo x)
>> Same number of parentheses, right?

> Besides, this is an entirely contrived, intellectually dishonest example.

> First off, parens ARE used around sub expressions last I checked, unless I don't get how
> you define sub expression.  E.g.,

>     (foo (+ x (/ 1 n)))

> vs.

>     foo( x + 1 / n ).

+ and / are just ordinary functions, in Lisp.  If they were ordinary
functions in Python you'd have to write


which, again, has the same number of parentheses.  Functions are the
general case -- there are only a handful of infix operators in general
use, and you don't get to define new ones in Python anyway -- so I
don't think I'm being "intellectually dishonest".

When you talk about parenthesising subexpressions, I think of
something like

  x + (1 / n)

requiring the parentheses; i.e., having to write

  (+ x ((/ 1 n)))  or perhaps even  (+ (x) ((/ (1) (n))))

in Lisp (which aren't even legal in Lisp: you /can't/ parenthesise

In modern physics, the more logical you are, the more wrong you are.
                                                           -- Lama Govinda
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