Div crypto stuff

FREDRIK HULDTGREN tdi01fhu at syd.kth.se
Wed Apr 17 10:08:50 EDT 2002

>From:   Michael Gilfix <mgilfix at eecs.tufts.edu> 
>Date:   Wednesday - April 17, 2002 8:17 AM 
>Subject:   Pure python crypto 
> Would anyone have any use for a pure python implementation of
>Blowfish? Or any other crypto algorithms for that matter.  As a matter
>of interest, I found myself implementing the blowfish module recently
>but was unsure if any audience would be interested. No C compiler
>is required, which is nice. Could use some testing though.
>             -- Mike 

>From:   Frédéric Laurent <liste_nospam_ at opikanoba.org> 
>Subject:   amkCrypto installation on win32 
>I want to use RSA encoding/decoding, so I downloaded amkCrypto 0.1.3.
>I use python 2.2 on windows XP.

>Must I have to download and install swig in order to make amkCrypto work
>(for the mxCrypto module) ?
>I don't have any C++ compiler installed, and it seems to be quite complicated >:
>amkCrypto -> mxCrypto -> swig -> c++ and so on...
>moreover the link http://starship.skyport.net/crew/amk/python/crypto.html, >given
>in the documentation, on the pycrypt package is broken...>>

>So, I just want to generate a pblic/private key, crypt and decrypt a text
>buffer... but it sounds to be not so simple to do this !>

>Did I miss something ???

>thanks in advance

>Frédéric Laurent

These type of questions are more likely to be answered on the Python-Crypto mailing list.



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