Help: py2exe and os.path

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Sun Apr 28 10:34:00 EDT 2002

Utente wrote:


> py2exe works fine, but i get the following error (this is the only
> error in a long source!!!):
> warning: py2exe:
> ***************************************************************
> **********
> warning: py2exe: * The following modules were not found:
> warning: py2exe: *   os.path

>From import's viewpoint, there is no module named os.path, so
don't import it.

When you import os, it locates the appropriate module for doing
path manipulations on your platform, and makes this available
as "path" (could be posixpath, macpath...). Since it's a global
of os, it's available as os.path.

-- Gordon

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