nested exceptions?

Aahz aahz at
Sat Apr 20 20:30:31 EDT 2002

In article <roy-AAA3A1.19193820042002 at>,
Roy Smith  <roy at> wrote:
>I want to look an oid up in my dictionary, and if it's not there, I want to 
>keep working my way up the tree until I find it.  Thus, if 
>'' isn't a key, I want to try '', and 
>then '', and then '', and so on until I find 
>it (if nothing else, '1' is guaranteed to be a key).
>What I've come up with uses recursion:
>    def getBaseObject (self, objects, oid):
>        try:
>           return objects[oid]
>       except KeyError:
>           return self.getBaseObject (objects, self.getParentOid (oid)) 

I'd write this as

    while not objects.has_key(oid):
        oid = self.getParentOid(oid)
    return objects[oid]
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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