sharp sl5000

Gregor Hoffleit gregor at
Fri Apr 5 12:14:53 EST 2002

* Alex Martelli <aleax at> [020405 14:21]:
> Fred Pacquier wrote:
>         ...
> > the water. But just yesterday I read a review of the just-released (in the
> > US) Zaurus, and the last line mentions that Sharp is "thinking about
> > introducing the new Zaurus line in Europe"... next year. So if you want
> Funny -- the developer edition WAS already for sale in UK & Ireland... which
> are part of Europe, of course.
> > one soon you'll probably have to take your chances and order one overseas,
> I was hoping to order one in UK or Ireland (no customs within the EU...).

It definitely sells in Germany: 699,- ยค for the SL-5500G. There was an
advertisement yesterday from our local discounter in the newspaper.
Have a look at to confirm this; you should be able to
navigate to it using the pictures ;-)


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