Anyone into win32com IE, fetching a picture..

Andrew Markebo flognat at
Wed Apr 17 08:39:34 EDT 2002


Sorry for asking probably a more windows-like question here, than on
windows group.. but this is my home.. my.. well you know.. 

Basically I am using win32com and InternetExplorer to fetch pages, and
I would also like to fetch the pr0n^H^H^H^H ehm.. snake pictures, yeah
snake pictures from the pages and store them.. 

ie = win32com.client.Dispatch('InternetExplorer.Application')
doc = ie.Document
while doc.readyState != 'complete': time.sleep(0.1)

Well now doc contains a bunch of info about the stuff in the url, if
the url was an image, I can get the size, name and so on, but I
haven't managed to get my hands on the data-part of the image.. Any

Yeah I know.. go urllib2 or similar.. but but.. now (using win32com) I
have cookies, https and so on working good out of the box..

Anyone who recognizes??

Anyone who have a good http/url library that can handle this?


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