PEP 287: reStructuredText Standard Docstring Format

Delaney, Timothy tdelaney at
Wed Apr 3 02:57:22 EST 2002

> > Huh? If you'd read the accompanying docs, you would know 
> about the ReST
> > directives. I wouldn't call the .. contents:: directive 
> "explicit markup"
> > considering that it inserts an entire table of contents 
> with one short line
> Of course it's explicit markup, regardless of what it does.

True. I was thinking that it's "easily readable markup", hence "not
explicit" ... which is of course wrong.

ReST has explicit markup, all the way through it (otherwise, how could it
work?). However, it is markup which leaves the source in an easily readable
form, whilst still being sufficiently expressive and unambiguous.

Tim Delaney

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