Argument against iterable ints...

James Althoff jamescalthoff at
Sat Apr 6 13:29:02 EST 2002

[Magnus Lie Hetland]
> Just a situation that cropped up recently: While writing a little
> generator for flattening nested iterables, I used
>   try: iter(foo)
>   except: return foo
>   else:
>       ....
> (of course I could have used a for loop directly in the try clause --
> that doesn't change anything.)
> If integers became iterable, this sort of code would suddenly become
> infinitely recursive. Given the propensity for using exceptions in
> this manner rather than type checking in Python, this seems like a
> weighty argument to me...


I don't see how the above is even recursive, much less infinitely recursive.
Could you elaborate?

Also, note that the final, rejected (finally rejected ;-) version of PEP 276
suggests an alternative to adding an iterator to class int (even though such
a simple method addition was what motivated the original idea).  The
alternative would be (would have been) to change the code in the for-loop
implementation to add a conceptual two-liner:

    if isinstance(iter_target,int):
        iter_target = xrange(iter_target)

Doing so would make
    for i in 5:
a simpler, less-cluttered spelling of
    for i in xrange(5):

and therefore would allow the "flatter is better than nested"
    for i in len(L):
as a substitute for the more nested, less flat
    for i in xrange(len(L)):

And it would prevent all problems with an integer iterator popping up in
undesirable circumstances -- since there would be no such iterator.


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