Arthur Siegel ajs at
Sun Apr 7 22:21:06 EDT 2002

Well just to end this, with a few cut and pastes
that at least let *me* believe I'm not off the

We go from from Guido's conclusion that he saw no
"killer" reason not to go ahead with the PEP,
to Aahz remark:

"How could Guido have known there were no good arguments against, save by
proposing the PEP?"

Guido's wording I think actually being sensible,
and Aahz's obviously insulting to the many poeple
who voiced good reasonable objections that I don't
think *they* themselves would necessarily classify as "killer".

To the out of nowhere remark from Aahz:

"I think it might be possible to make changes in the way Guido-introduced
PEPs get presented to reduce the amount of shouting from people like Laura.
I hold no hopes that anything would get better results from
people like Arthur and Paul Rubin."

I've worked hard at being out of good graces with
folk like Aahz, who work too hard at their insider status.

Simply am confused how Paul made the grade.

Paul doesn't seem to care much, one way or other -
which makes him eminently more sensible than I.


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