Extension Question

sbp ics1010 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 10 05:40:15 EDT 2002

In an extension I'm writing, I have a main import module which works
fine. I'm a little confused about trying to include an object type in
the same dll. From the import module's init I call an init function
for the type which calls Py_InitModule with the name and method array
for the type, but when I try to call a method from this array, I get
an exception stating there is no attribute for the method name I'm
calling. I have functions for the various type protocols (i.e.
attributes) which work fine. If this makes any sense, is it possible
to have a type included within a module with the ability to have
object.function() where function() comes from the array used in the
init? If so, what's the general procedure?


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