What is prefered: 'string' or "string"? (Should be in PEP8 ?)

Philip Swartzleonard starx at pacbell.net
Thu Apr 25 13:33:18 EDT 2002

Philipp Lenssen || Thu 25 Apr 2002 01:33:56a:

> "John Baxter" <jwbaxter at spamcop.net> wrote in message
> news:jwbaxter-B5D4A7.19244624042002 at corp.supernews.com...
>> I use single quote (that is, apostrophe) to avoid a shift key
>> manipulation.  Unless I forget.  And of course if the string begins
>> with a shifted character, the manipulation is deferred, not avoided.
> I need to press Shift to get a single quote. Or double-quote,
> greater-than, and $.
> I'm not sure what is exclusive german keyboard layout here.

Hm, well, single-quote is unshifted on a standard US keyboard. Double 
quote is shift + single quote. Greather-then is shit + period (and less 
than is shift + comma)). $ is shift + 4.

Philip Sw "Starweaver" [rasx] :: www.rubydragon.com

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