Discussion of Python midi library

Max M maxm at mxm.dk
Mon Apr 8 09:12:18 EDT 2002

I am writing a Midi Module for Python.

I basically want it make it possible to:

     1) Read midi from a file

     2) transform the midi data

     3) Write midi to a file

     4) Play midifiles (especially on Windows)

The biggest challenge here is getting the internal representation of the 
midi data right.

The midi data format in it's raw format is too specialized to make it 
possible to load some midi-data and then do any kind meningfull 
transformations on it.

So generally I want to be able to load in the data into a Python 
specific objects representation that can be easily modified and then 
saved back out as a new midi file.

I am doing algorithmical composition hence the need.

Has anybody got an interrest in participating in a discussion about how 
such a module should be designed please contact me.

I allready have some code and some ideas.

regards Max M

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