LinearAlgebraError: SVD did not converge

Fernando Pérez fperez528 at
Tue Aug 27 13:56:00 EDT 2002

Damian Menscher wrote:

> You say "the SVD decomposition always exists".  I agree.  But
> apparently LinearAlgebra.singular_value_decomposition() doesn't
> know that.

Mmmhh, then it looks like it's time to debug 
LinearAlgebra.singular_value_decomposition(). Not exactly what you wanted to 
hear, is it? :)

Sorry I can't give a better answer at this point. Why don't you try computing 
the SVD of your matrix (you said it was 26x26 only) in Mathematica or 
something? It might hint at where the problem is. Other than that all I can 
say is, roll up your sleeves and fix the Numeric SVD routine. Many will thank 
you :)

FWIW, I've used the Numeric SVD without problems, so at least in some cases it 



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