I'm coming from Tcl-world ...

Keith Dart kdart at kdart.com
Sat Aug 3 06:24:01 EDT 2002

In article <slrnakleti.c05.Andreas.Leitgeb at pc7499.gud.siemens.at>,
"Andreas Leitgeb" <Andreas.Leitgeb at siemens.at> penned these words:

>> 3.) event-based scripting. (like 'fileevent','after',... in Tcl)
> [common answer: yes, there are modules: asyncore and select] Thanks a
> lot, I'll have a look at them.

YOu might also want to look at the asyncio module in the pyNMS package.


This works like asyncore, but uses SIGIO. It only works on Linux,
however. And it needs a little more work....

>> 4.) "calls by reference":
>>      def f( x ) : x=42
> [common answer: use mutable containers instead, e.g.: ] [  def f(x):
> x[0]=42    ]
> [  x= a list, containing my object as first (and perhaps only) element 
> ] [  f(x);     then,  x[0] outside of f is  still 42 ] It's not exactly
> what I fancied, but near enough :-)

I usually use an idiom like the following:

def inc(x):
	return x+1

x = 1
x = inc(x)
x = inc(x)

That is, the function just returns the new value, and you reassign the
name. although, for this simple example, that is unnecessary snd slower.

--                           ^
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Keith Dart
<mailto:kdart at kdart.com> 
Public key ID: B08B9D2C Public key: <http://www.kdart.com/~kdart/public.key>

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