Problem with assigning variables of type List

Abhishek Roy abhishek at
Tue Aug 20 23:22:56 EDT 2002

"Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at> wrote in message news:<xiu89.5146$HY3.1421847 at>...

>     ... you have to say something like "the object referred to
>     by x is passed by reference". Or alternatively, "x is passed
>     by value, and that value is a reference to an object". Just
>     calling it "pass by reference" or "pass by value" are both
>     half true and half false.

I'm still not quite sure what that means but after reading,
I experienced a lovely feeling of enlightenment.

Just a nagging doubt, using the terminology in the above guide what's going 
on with:
>>> a=[1,2,3]
>>> a[1]=a
>>> a
[1, [...], 3]
>>> a==a[1]


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