Tix, pmw and included batteries

Mike Clarkson support at internetdiscovery.com
Fri Aug 9 02:20:31 EDT 2002

On 7 Aug 2002 13:21:24 -0700, hwlgw at hotmail.com (Will Stuyvesant)

>Just bought the Python and Tkinter book by J. Grayson.
>It has much about pmw (Python megawidgets).  But um, in the Python 2.3
>dev there is going to be Tix as an included battery.  And I promised
>myself a while ago to only use included batteries if possible when it
>concerns software.  Just download the new version if your batteries
>run out! k:-)
>Can anybody tell me about pmw and the future?  Or about what is so
>good about Tix that it made battery status? !:=)

Tix has a major speed advantage over any pure Tk/Tkinter package in
that part of the core is coded in C; this is especially important for
things like tree widgets. For examples, see IDEStudio on


Tix also has some significant improvements over Tk itself 
by trying to pick up various window manager settings and themes; 
see the WmDefault style in


There's also a lot of work on applications that work with both
Tcl and Python; see 



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