busy indicator

TuxTrax TuxTrax at fortress.tuxnet.net
Wed Aug 7 00:20:44 EDT 2002

On Tue, 06 Aug 2002 12:18:26 +0100, Jonathan Hogg Wrote in
Steve Ballmers hair grease:

> On 6/8/2002 11:16, in article slrnakv8hs.4pp.TuxTrax at fortress.tuxnet,
> "TuxTrax" <TuxTrax at fortress.tuxnet.net> wrote:
>> I have a python library call in a program that tends to take at least
>> five minutes to complete, which is no big deal in and of
>> itself. However, I would like to know how to have a "i'm working"
>> ticker running, like when a fsck is being done to a mount. You know
>> the one. The little twirling ascii graphic that keeps going as long as
>> the work is being done so the user knows the system hasn't just
>> crashed. This is a CLI app.
>> The lib call takes over, and I am to newbie to know how to have it do
>> both jobs at once.
> Weird, I wrote one of these just yesterday. Though I was explicitly poking
> it every-now-and-then to make it spin. If you can't do that you'll need to
> use a thread to do the spinning while the library call runs.
> Just for fun I've modified mine to use a thread and the code is enclosed
> below. I added a couple of variations on the spinning theme as well. The
> spinners are only one-shot, so you need to create another to spin some more.
> Jonathan
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import threading, time, sys
> class Spinner( threading.Thread ):
>     DELAY = 0.1
>     DISPLAY = [ '|', '/', '-', '\\' ]
>     def __init__( self, before='', after='' ):
>         threading.Thread.__init__( self )
>         self.before = before
>         self.after = after
>     def run( self ):
>         write, flush = sys.stdout.write, sys.stdout.flush
>         self.running = 1
>         pos = -1
>         while self.running:
>             pos = (pos + 1) % len(self.DISPLAY)
>             msg = self.before + self.DISPLAY[pos] + self.after
>             write( msg )
>             flush()
>             write( '\x08' * len(msg) )
>             time.sleep( self.DELAY )
>         write( ' ' * len(msg) + '\x08' * len(msg) )
>         flush()
>     def stop( self ):
>         self.running = 0
>         self.join()
> class BarberPole( Spinner ):
>     DISPLAY = [ '|/__/__/__|', '|_/__/__/_|', '|__/__/__/|' ]
> class HAL( Spinner ):
>     DELAY = 0.2
>     DISPLAY = [ ' ', '.', '+', '*', '+', '.', ' ', ' ' ]
> def test():
>     spinner = Spinner( "[syncing... ", "]" )
>     spinner.start()
>     time.sleep( 5.0 )
>     spinner.stop()
>     print "Disks synced."
>     pole = BarberPole( "Shutting down: " )
>     pole.start()
>     time.sleep( 5.0 )
>     pole.stop()
>     print "You may now switch off your computer."
>     hal = HAL( "[", "]  I'm sorry Dave" )
>     hal.start()
>     time.sleep( 5.0 )
>     hal.stop()
>     print "I'm afraid I can't do that."
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     test()


Well Johnathan, I thank you for your code, and the attempt to help
this newbie. It has reinforced the obviousness of the need for me to
learn more of the basics before getting into the advanced stuff like



TuxTrax   (n.) An invincible, all terrain, Linux driven armored assault
vehicle that can take as much fire as it gives ;-)

Yes, I am a Penguin cult high priest. Flipper readings upon request.

ROT13 this email address to mail me: uvtuqrfregzna at lnubb.pbz

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