String comparison

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at
Wed Aug 21 13:00:05 EDT 2002

>  if (str(postReply) == str(controlData)):       #Here is the problem.
>   response = "<Result>Server Response - OK</Result>"
>  else:
>   response = "<Result>Server Not Responding</Result>"
>     # e-mail appropriate party.
>  return response
> I've also tried...
>  if (strcmp(postReply, controlData) == 0):
> In Java, I would simply use the .equals( ) method available to string
> objects.
> Thoughts?

Some experimentation in the Python interpreter will help you.

>>> s = 'Sam'
>>> f = 'Frank'
>>> s == f # false
>>> s == s # true
>>> sam = 'Sam'
>>> s == sam # true

as you can see, string == string works.  Most likely your data is either not a 
proper string OR they are not perfect matches.  A space, newline, anything 
like that would change the answer.

Try running the pieces of your script in the interpreter by hand, should point 
out the error rather quickly.

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