Gratitude due to Red Hat? More work for the PBF?

Steve Holden sholden at
Tue Aug 20 04:59:33 EDT 2002

I'm a little hesitant to say this, but today (while, of all things, putting
a sales proposal together) I realised that my attitude to the "Red Hat comes
with 1.5.2" question has now altered. When considering a hosting environment
I am happy to *exclude* any company who can only offer 1.5.2, as they are
clearly not serious about supporting the language environment. This is a
positive thing, as supporting Python isn't yet a common enough skill to be
available from the Interlands and the like.

if-red-hat-just-came-out-of-the-box-they-aren't-hosting-my-sites-ly y'rs  -
Steve Holden                        
Python Web Programming              
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