Old bug in longobject.c + fix

Antti Louko alo at iki.fi.invalid
Sun Aug 18 18:21:30 EDT 2002

Gerhard Häring <gerhard.haering at gmx.de> writes:

> * Paul Sheer <psheer at icon.co.za> [2002-08-18 22:05 +0200]:
> > I think that its pretty damn obvious the "nature" of the bug
> No. How long would it take you to describe what your patch is about? Two
> minutes? How long would it take a Python developer to find out what your
> patch tries to change and why? 10 minutes? 30 minutes?

Actually, it takes about ten seconds to guess what the bug is and one
minute to be sure after you have checked a few things.

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