Multiban (was Re: Sokoban)

Seo Sanghyeon unendliche at
Tue Aug 13 07:53:41 EDT 2002

Thanks for feedbacks.

Terry Reedy (tjreedy at wrote:
> Without a sample map or any knowledge of how to construct one,
> I could not get very far 8-(.

It uses XSokoban text format, de facto standard for Sokoban levels.

2315 levels in XSokoban text format.

But it fails if it encounter comments. For solution, see below.

Terry Reedy (tjreedy at wrote:
> With two players, it randomly selects one to move with each keystroke.
> That could make for interesting challenges.

Oh, it was not my intention, but see below.

Michael B?ker (aida.kensuke at wrote:
> What could I do to avoid these errors?
> [snip nested scope errors]

fron __future__ import nested_scope, or see below.

Lee Harr (missive at wrote:
> Very nice, but...
> No Undo?!

See below...


So, here is Multiban,
Sokoban with multiple players,
which read XSokoban format with comments,
which runs on Python 1.5.2
which has undo,
which prints your solution,

== MANUAL ==
Up, Left, Down, Right -> Move a man
Tab -> Select a man
BackSpace -> Undo



# Sokoban in Python
# Tested on Python 2.2.1 AND Python 1.5.2

# XSokoban format for levels
# Lurd format for bookmarks

import Tkinter  # to do graphics
import re       # to parse xsb format

import string
upper = {'u': 'U', 'l': 'L', 'd': 'D', 'r': 'R'}
lower = {'U': 'u', 'L': 'l', 'D': 'd', 'R': 'r'}

# == start configuration =====
WALL     = 'black'
BOX      = 'blue'
EMPTY    = 'yellow'
FULL     = 'green'
INACTIVE = 'brown'
ACTIVE   = 'red'

size = 20
margin = 5
maxline = 60
# == end configuration =======

class Struct:
    def load(self, keys):
        if type(keys) == type(()):
            res = []
            for key in keys:
            return res
            res = self.__dict__[keys]
            return res
    def save(self, dic):
        for key in dic.keys():
            self.__dict__[key] = dic[key]

# ============================

def loadlevel(filename):
    xsbline = re.compile('[ #$.*@+]+$')
    lines = open(filename).readlines()
    lines = map(lambda x: x[:-1], lines)
    lines = filter(xsbline.match, lines)
    xs = max(map(len, lines))
    ys = len(lines)
    wall, depot, box, player = {}, {}, {}, {}
    switch = {' ': (),
              '#': (wall,),
              '$': (box,),
              '.': (depot,),
              '*': (depot, box),
              '@': (player,),
              '+': (depot, player)}
    for y in range(len(lines)):
        for x in range(len(lines[y])):
            for dic in switch[lines[y][x]]:
                dic[x, y] = 1
    assert len(depot.keys()) == len(box.keys())
    boxcnt = len(box.keys())
    level = Struct(){'xs': xs,
                'ys': ys,
                'wall': wall,
                'depot': depot,
                'box': box,
                'player': player,
                'boxcnt': boxcnt})
    return level

# ============================

def create_canvas(parent, level):
    xs, ys = level.load(('xs', 'ys'))
    width = xs*size+margin*2
    height = ys*size+margin*2
    canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(
        parent, width=width, height=height)
    return canvas

def create_square(canvas, pos, fill):
    x, y = pos
    id = canvas.create_rectangle(
        (x+0)*size+margin, (y+0)*size+margin,
        (x+1)*size+margin, (y+1)*size+margin,
        width=0, fill=fill)
    return id

def create_circle(canvas, pos, fill):
    x, y = pos
    id = canvas.create_oval(
        (x+0.2)*size+margin, (y+0.2)*size+margin,
        (x+0.8)*size+margin, (y+0.8)*size+margin,
        width=0, fill=fill)
    return id

# ============================

def drawlevel(canvas, level):
    depotid, boxid, playerid = {}, {}, {}
    xs, ys, wall, depot, box, player = level.load(
        ('xs', 'ys', 'wall', 'depot', 'box', 'player'))
    for x in range(xs):
        for y in range(ys):
            pos = x, y
            if pos in wall.keys():
                create_square(canvas, pos, WALL)
            if pos in depot.keys():
                depotid[pos] = create_square(canvas, pos, EMPTY)
    # circles should be drawn after squares are drawn
    for x in range(xs):
        for y in range(ys):
            pos = x, y
            if pos in box.keys():
                boxid[pos] = create_circle(canvas, pos, BOX)
            if pos in player.keys():
                playerid[pos] = create_circle(canvas, pos, INACTIVE)
    idtable = Struct(){'depot': depotid,
                  'box': boxid,
                  'player': playerid})
    return idtable

# ============================

def initlevel(canvas, level, idtable):
    depot, box = level.load(('depot', 'box'))
    depotid = idtable.load('depot')
    boxcnt = level.load('boxcnt')
    for pos in depot.keys():
        if pos in box.keys():
            fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'depot', pos, FULL)
            boxcnt = boxcnt - 1{'boxcnt': boxcnt})
    players = level.load('player').keys()
    pidtable = {}
    newpid = 0
    for pos in players:
        pidtable[newpid] = pos
        newpid = newpid + 1{'pidtable': pidtable,
                'pid': 0})
    pos = curpos(level)
    fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'player', pos, ACTIVE){'history': []})

# ============================

def move(canvas, level, idtable, code, pos, dd):
    x, y = pos
    dx, dy = dd
    dpos = x+dx, y+dy
    dic = level.load(code)
    idic = idtable.load(code)
    dic[dpos] = dic[pos]
    idic[dpos] = idic[pos]
    canvas.move(idic[pos], dx*size, dy*size)
    del dic[pos]
    del idic[pos]

def fill(canvas, level, idtable, code, pos, fill):
    idic = idtable.load(code)
    canvas.itemconfigure(idic[pos], fill=fill)

def curpos(level):
    pidtable, pid = level.load(('pidtable', 'pid'))
    pos = pidtable[pid]
    return pos

def checkfin(level):
    boxcnt = level.load('boxcnt')
    fin = (boxcnt == 0)
    return fin

def delta(event):
    key = event.keysym
    switch = {'Up': (0, -1),
              'Left': (-1, 0),
              'Down': (0, 1),
              'Right': (1, 0)}
    dd = switch[key]
    return dd

def convert(dd):
    switch_1 = {(0, -1): 'u',
                (-1, 0): 'l',
                (0, 1): 'd',
                (1, 0): 'r'}
    switch_2 = {'u': (0, -1),
                'l': (-1, 0),
                'd': (0, 1),
                'r': (1, 0)}
    if type(dd) == type(()):
        cc = switch_1[dd]
        cc = switch_2[dd]
    return cc

# ============================

def mover(event, canvas, level, idtable):
    dd = delta(event)
    dir = convert(dd)
    pos = curpos(level)
    x, y = pos
    dx, dy = dd
    dpos = x+dx, y+dy
    ddpos = x+dx+dx, y+dy+dy
    wall, box, depot = level.load(('wall', 'box', 'depot'))
    boxcnt = level.load('boxcnt')
    history = level.load('history')
    pidtable, pid = level.load(('pidtable', 'pid'))
    if dpos not in wall.keys():
        if dpos not in box.keys():
            move(canvas, level, idtable, 'player', pos, dd)
            pidtable[pid] = dpos
        elif (ddpos not in wall.keys() and
              ddpos not in box.keys()):
            move(canvas, level, idtable, 'player', pos, dd)
            pidtable[pid] = dpos
            move(canvas, level, idtable, 'box', dpos, dd)
            if dpos in depot.keys():
                fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'depot', dpos, EMPTY)
                boxcnt = boxcnt + 1
            if ddpos in depot.keys():
                fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'depot', ddpos, FULL)
                boxcnt = boxcnt - 1
  {'boxcnt': boxcnt})

# ============================

def selector(event, canvas, level, idtable):
    pidtable, pid = level.load(('pidtable', 'pid'))
    pidlimit = len(pidtable.keys())
    pos = curpos(level)
    fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'player', pos, INACTIVE)
    pid = pid + 1
    if pid == pidlimit:
        pid = 0{'pid': pid})
    pos = curpos(level)
    fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'player', pos, ACTIVE)
    history = level.load('history')

# ============================

def rewinder(event, canvas, level, idtable):
    history = level.load('history')
    if not history:
    lastmove = history.pop()
    pidtable, pid = level.load(('pidtable', 'pid'))
    if lastmove == '+':
        pos = curpos(level)
        fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'player', pos, INACTIVE)
        pid = pid - 1
        if pid == -1:
            pid = 0{'pid': pid})
        pos = curpos(level)
        fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'player', pos, ACTIVE)
    dir = lastmove
    push = 0
    if dir in upper.values():
        push = 1
        dir = lower[dir]
    dd = convert(dir)
    pos = curpos(level)
    x, y = pos
    dx, dy = dd
    idd = -dx, -dy
    dpos = x+dx, y+dy
    ipos = x-dx, y-dy
    depot = level.load('depot')
    boxcnt = level.load('boxcnt')
    if not push:
        move(canvas, level, idtable, 'player', pos, idd)
        pidtable[pid] = ipos
        move(canvas, level, idtable, 'player', pos, idd)
        pidtable[pid] = ipos
        move(canvas, level, idtable, 'box', dpos, idd)
        if dpos in depot.keys():
            fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'depot', dpos, EMPTY)
            boxcnt = boxcnt + 1
        if pos in depot.keys():
            fill(canvas, level, idtable, 'depot', pos, FULL)
            boxcnt = boxcnt - 1{'boxcnt': boxcnt})

# ============================

def splitline(string, maxline):
    res = ''
    cnt = 0
    while 1:
        line = string[cnt*maxline:(cnt+1)*maxline]
        if not line: break
        res = res + line + '\n'
        cnt = cnt + 1
    return res

# ============================

def finish(parent, level):
    solution = string.join(level.load('history'), '')
    solution = splitline(solution, maxline)
    print solution
    button = Tkinter.Button(
        parent, text='Close', command=parent.destroy)

# ============================

def makegame(parent, filename):
    level = loadlevel(filename)
    canvas = create_canvas(parent, level)
    idtable = drawlevel(canvas, level)
    initlevel(canvas, level, idtable)
    def move_callback(event, parent=parent,
                      canvas=canvas, level=level, idtable=idtable):
        mover(event, canvas, level, idtable)
        if checkfin(level):
            finish(parent, level)
    def rewind_callback(event, parent=parent,
                        canvas=canvas, level=level, idtable=idtable):
        rewinder(event, canvas, level, idtable)
        if checkfin(level):
            finish(parent, level)
    def select_callback(event, parent=parent,
                        canvas=canvas, level=level, idtable=idtable):
        selector(event, canvas, level, idtable)
        if checkfin(level):
            finish(parent, level)
    parent.bind('<Up>', move_callback)
    parent.bind('<Left>', move_callback)
    parent.bind('<Down>', move_callback)
    parent.bind('<Right>', move_callback)
    parent.bind('<BackSpace>', rewind_callback)
    parent.bind('<Tab>', select_callback)
                padx=margin, pady=margin)
    if checkfin(level):
        finish(parent, level)

# ============================

def main():
    filename = raw_input('> ')
    root = Tkinter.Tk()
    makegame(root, filename)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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