automating Outlook [repost]

Wesley J. Chun wesc at
Wed Aug 28 15:04:35 EDT 2002

klassa at wrote in message news:<th7fgbl4lafs82 at>...
> From: klassa at
> Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
> Subject: automating Outlook [repost]
> Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 15:19:39 -0000
> [ I managed to let this one slip by without a subject last time.
>   Sorry for the repost. ]
> If you're interested in my motivation for this, see the footnote[1].
> Bottom line: I wanted to be able to edit my drafts, in Microsoft
> Outlook, with the editor of my choice.  In this case, Emacs.  The
> following script does this for me...  You tell Outlook to start a
> reply, and then you hit the "Edit" button that this script creates.
> It sucks the text out of Outlook, puts it into Emacs (you need to
> tweak the paths), then puts it back into Outlook when you're finished.
> The thing I'd like to add, still, is the ability to put an icon into
> the system tray, rather than have it be a free-floating application
> with a button.  The sample code I found was a bit hard to grok (given
> that I'm not a Windows programmer, nor more than a novice python
> programmer).  If you know how to do that, and would care to add it in,
> I'd love to hear from you. :-)
> The only snag I've found is that you can't run the script without
> having run first, to make the Outlook library available.
> The full dynamic dispatch mechanism doesn't work, for some reason.
> That said, here's the script.  It's undoubtedly ugly, but the
> important stuff is there. :-)
> -- snip --
> import win32com.client
> import os
> import Tkinter
> from Tkconstants import *
> def launch():
>     # Default to an empty body.
>     body = ""
>     # Get a handle to Outlook.
>     o = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
>     # Work our way down to the reply (a "MailItem").
>     insp = o.ActiveInspector()
>     if insp == None: return
>     item = insp.CurrentItem
>     if item == None: return
>     # Grab the body.
>     body = item.Body
>     # Should make this a guaranteed-unique file...
>     fh = open("c:/temp/editor.txt", "w")
>     # Write the body.  Had to add a try/except because of ASCII
>     # encoding problems when the reply is in one of Outlook's more
>     # funky formats.
>     try:
>         fh.write(body)
>     except:
>         fh.write("")
>     fh.close()
>     # Launch emacs to edit the file.  Should make this configurable.
>     # Note that by default, Emacs seems to come up in Unix mode, and
>     # so the ^M characters are visible.  A persistent, bound-to-a-key
>     # Emacs macro takes care of that nicely, however.
>     os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT,
>               "d:/Editors/emacs-20.7/bin/emacs",
>               ["d:/Editors/emacs-20.7/bin/emacs", "c:/temp/editor.txt"])
>     # Read the result back into memory.
>     fh = open("c:/temp/editor.txt", "r")
>     body =
>     fh.close()
>     # Store it as the body of the reply.
>     item.Body = body
> # Create a single button that, when clicked, takes care of the rest.
> if __name__=='__main__':
>     tk = Tkinter.Tk()
>     frame = Tkinter.Frame(tk, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background="white
> ")
>     frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
>     button = Tkinter.Button(frame, text="Edit", command=launch,
>                             background="white")
>     button.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
>     tk.mainloop()    
> -- snip --
> Comments welcomed.
> John
> [1] Every so often, I make it a point to try some other language or
> tool, so as to widen my perspective a bit.  For example, I'm an ardent
> emacs fan, but I've learned vi so that I'm able to edit anywhere
> (well, on any Unix machine), and so as to appreciate other ways to
> edit files.
> In this same way, I decided to try Microsoft Outlook.  I'm an exmh
> hacker/fan (have been, for years), but thought I'd try Outlook just to
> see what my business/marketing/managements friends have to deal
> with. :-)
> My one biggest gripe is that you can't use the editor of your choice
> when you edit your drafts.  The Outlook editor is okay...  I mean,
> it's like every other Microsoft editor -- that is, reasonable, but
> lacking features (like the ability to reflow your text).
> So, I decided to give Outlook the ability to use the editor of my
> choice.  I'm also a perl fan, but discovered that what I wanted to do
> was a lot harder (or at least seemed to be) in perl.  So, I turned to
> python.  Python seems to have a lot of nice Win32 support...  This is
> maybe my fifth or sixth small python script, and I'm liking it
> (python) more and more.

scrolling forward a year and a quarter...

i've taken John's cool tool and added a ton more comments for
those of you who *really* want to get to the meat of the matter
as well as some important code to map characters to Emacs/Vi*.
below's the 0.2 release of outlook.pyw.

it's a nice tool for those forced to use a Win32 env. at work.
feedback, improvements, suggestions, and comments welcomed!


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"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, 2001

Silicon Valley-San Francisco Bay Area Python Users Group (BayPIGgies)

wesley.j.chun :: wesc at : henderson, nv : cyberweb at

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#!/bin/env python
outlook.pyw (OutLook editor launcher) -- allows one to edit an open e-mail
	mesg from Outlook using Emacs or *Vi* rather than "Notepad--".  :-)
	NOTE:  requires Python 1.6 and newer (use of string methods)

created by John Klassa (klassa at on 2001 May 29
updated by Wesley Chun (cyberweb at on 2002 Feb 28

$Id: outlook.pyw,v 0.2 2002/08/28 18:04:06 wesc Exp wesc $

from os import spawnv, P_WAIT, unlink
from tempfile import mktemp
from Tkinter import Tk, Button, Frame, Label
from Tkconstants import *
from win32com.client import Dispatch

def launch():
    '''launch() spawns your favorite editor to edit the Outlook compose 
    window (either new or reply), then returns that data to Outlook...
    change the 'ed' variable to switch editors.'''

    # Get a handle to Outlook.
    o = Dispatch("Outlook.Application")

    # Work our way down to the reply (a "MailItem").
    insp = o.ActiveInspector()
    if insp == None: return
    item = insp.CurrentItem
    if item == None: return

    # Grab the message body in the reply.
    body = item.Body
    # Write the body... need to "encode" the string because Outlook uses
    # Unicode with bunch of unprintables (ASCII chars > 128).  Also, since
    # we are going from DOS2UNIX2DOS, we have the \r\n vs \n issue, re-
    # sulting in those fabulous ^M characters.  A persistent, bound-to-a-
    # key Emacs macro takes care of that nicely, but the solution imple-
    # mented here is to just wipe the '\r's now, then add them back when
    # we reread this file back before returning the body to Outlook.
    tmp = mktemp()			# generate a unique tmp filename
    fh = open(tmp, "w")
    fh.write(body.encode('ascii', 'ignore').replace('\r\n', '\n'))

    # Launch editor to edit the file (should make this configurable).
    #ed = r"d:\emacs-20.7\bin\emacs"		# emacs editor binary
    ed = r"c:\progra~1\vim\vim60\gvim.exe"	# *vi*  editor binary
    spawnv(P_WAIT, ed, [ed, tmp])

    # Read edited file back into memory, restore '\r's, and kill tmp file.
    fh = open(tmp)
    body ='\n', '\r\n')
    # Store it as the body of the reply.  Note that we are merely
    # sending this data back to Outlook -- it does not prevent MS from
    # mucking with your message.  For example, it may add your signature
    # again, or it may remove newlines.  MS software... what can you do?
    item.Body = body

# Create the Tk(inter) GUI app with the appropriate label and buttons.
if __name__=='__main__':
    tk = Tk()
    f = Frame(tk, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2).pack()
    Label(f, text="Outlook Edit Launcher v0.2").pack()
    Button(f, text="Edit", fg='blue', command=launch).pack(fill=BOTH)
    Button(f, text="Quit", fg='red', command=tk.quit).pack(fill=BOTH)

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