gettin a list of functions?

Paul Simmonds psimmo60 at
Mon Dec 9 10:48:45 EST 2002

>for a given scope how could i obtain a list of functions/methods.
>dir() is too general.
>either this will involve parsing the output of dir()
>or using the access to the compiler module that I can't figure out.

Try the __dict__ attribute:

>>>class myclass:
...     info="Any old thing"
...     description="A simple structure"
...     def square(self,x):
...         return x*x
>>>print myclass.__dict__
{'info': 'Any old thing', '__module__': '__main__', 'square': <function 
square at 0x8154494>, 'description': 'A simple structure', '__doc__': None}

This will give you all the attibutes/methods except the builtins.


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