No macros in Python
Mel Wilson
mwilson at
Mon Dec 16 14:30:20 EST 2002
In article <Pine.GSO.4.44_heb2.09.0212160242440.16160-100000 at>,
Beni Cherniavsky <cben at> wrote:
>On 2002-12-15, Mel Wilson wrote:
>> If you must have such a thing as C macros, it's
>> available.I tried this as a way of simplifying the
>> creation of a lot of edit boxes with wxPython:
>> new_edit_box_macro = """\
>> hs = wxBoxSizer (wxHORIZONTAL)
>> hs.Add (wxStaticText (self, -1, '%(label)s', wxDefaultPosition, labelsize)
>> self.%(field)s_ctrl = wxTextCtrl (self, -1, '', wxDefaultPosition)
>> hs.Add (self, %(field)s_ctrl, 1)
>> vs.Add (hs, 0, wxGROW)"""
>> exec (new_edit_box_macro % {'label':'Key No.', 'field':'person_id'})
>> exec (new_edit_box_macro % {'label':'First Name', 'field':'fname'})
>> exec (new_edit_box_macro % {'label':'Last Name', 'field':'lname'})
>> and so on.
># Untested
>for label, field in [('Key No.', 'person_id'),
> ('First Name', 'fname'),
> ('Last Name', 'lname')]:
> hs = wxBoxSizer (wxHORIZONTAL)
> hs.Add (wxStaticText (self, -1, label, wxDefaultPosition,
> labelsize))
> ctrl = wxTextCtrl (self, -1, '', wxDefaultPosition)
The original named this `person_id_ctrl`, etc. The
original made this detail hard to spot. Could of course be
fixed in the `for` list. C macros in actual C have quite
a tough time with string splicing like this.
> hs.Add (self, ctrl, 1)
> vs.Add (hs, 0, wxGROW)
> self.__dict__[field + '_ctrl'] = ctrl
>Variable assignment is not the real point of macros IMHO.
True. Creating source code from other strings is the real
point of C macros.
My comeuppance will be when this gets converted to Visual
Basic per customer spec. All that ersatz macro stuff will
have to be taken down.
Regards. Mel.
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