Pymacs, exporting python objects to elisp.

Syver Enstad syver-en+usenet at
Tue Dec 10 07:47:08 EST 2002

I've been using Pymacs for sometime but always used python functions
from elisp not instances (class objects).

I need to export python instances to elisp with pymacs. How do I do

An example:

class Organisation:
   def __init__(self):
      self._departments = []

   def departments(self):
       return self._departments

   def addDeparmtent(self, aDepartment):

class Department:
   def __init__(self, aString):
       self._name = aString

   def name(self):

Let's say I build an Organisation on the Python side of Pymacs.

def for_calling_from_emacs_lisp():
    org = Organisation()    
    dept = Department('Sales')
    return org

Let's say I want to find the department named Sales from emacs
lisp. How would it look:

(setq org (pymodname-for-calling-from-emacs-lisp))
...Then what..?
Python pseudo code:
for each in org.departments():
    if == 'Sales':
       # do stuff

I also thought about the possibility of maybe returning Python
instances as instances of EIEIO classes.


Vennlig hilsen 

Syver Enstad

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