
dsavitsk dsavitsk at
Sat Dec 21 14:51:07 EST 2002

"Andreas Steffen" <LisaBizarre at> wrote in message
news:3E02F736.C3097168 at
> Hi,
> i am looking for a  module which deals with statistic problems. Is there
> something?
> In particular I need a function that calculates the values for the
> t-test (and gives out the t-value from the t-table).
> Thanks in advance, Andreas.

This is a really tacky solution, but it actually has worked quite well for
me (easy, fast, and seemingly accurate) so I'll post it ...

>>> xl = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application')
>>> l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> mean = xl.WorksheetFunction.Average(l)
>>> stdev = xl.WorksheetFunction.StDev(l)
>>> pears = xl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(x, y)


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