source code size metric: Python and modern C++

Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters mertz at
Thu Dec 5 19:19:22 EST 2002

|Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters wrote:
|> some kind of canonical list of "sequence like" options.

Greg Ewing <see_reply_address at something.invalid> wrote previously:
|The Library Reference contains such lists, the table in section 2.2.6

Sure, that's pretty good, but maybe missing a few things.  What I meant
in the context of the previous post is that function writers could
include a list like this in their docstrings, or elsewhere in the
documentation of a function (module).  That would answer the OPs concern
the s/he didn't know when a call would succeed or fail, since there was
no formal documentation of just what it means to be sequence-like (for a
given context).

Of course, it is easy to say "it would be nice"...  I must admit that I
have not included that sort of documentation in any of my libraries.  At
least not so formally and explicitly as that.  But if a little template
was in widespread use already, I would be more tempted to cut-and-paste
it into my documentation, changing a few "X"s in the "requires" column.

Yours, Lulu...

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