My script.

Tetsuo anonymous at nodomain.none
Fri Dec 6 22:50:43 EST 2002

def PunishmentBenchmark():
    import time

    a = time.clock()

    b = 1000
    h = '"I am a bad computer"'
    s = "I'll never misbehave again... :("

    for i in range(b):
        print i, ":( I am a bad computer"

    d = time.clock()

    e = d - a   

    print "My hands hurt! It took me", e, "seconds to write", '"I am a 
bad computer"', b, "times, at"
    print b/e, "loops per second!!!\n\r"
    print "I'll never misbehave again... :("


My output, with interactive window completely hidden by script window:

7.85588503567 seconds, 127.293105164 loops per second.

With windows tiled:

21.2027196194 seconds, 47.163760968 loops per second.

ActivePython 2.2.1 Build 222, 466 MHz, Windows 2000.

How does your system perform?

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